

Only $4,995!

Remove stubborn body fat.

Available awake under local or under anesthesia.
Includes 3 Areas!
As low as $119 per month* with NEW Payment Plans by Cherry! Click Here To Pre-Qualify Now!

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Liposuction Consultation

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Liposuction and body sculpting near me in Schaumburg, IL 

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Over 45K Procedures + 22 Years Of Experience

Low Price of $4,995 or As Low as $119/month*

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As low as $119 per month* with NEW Payment Plans by Cherry!


*Based on credit approval

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About Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove unwanted fat cells. It s a contouring technique that removes inches in specifically defined areas to achieve a more proportional look within your physical features, as well as greater self confidence.

Optimum liposuction results are typically achieved in patients with good skin tone when they are at or near their ideal weight. However, despite regular exercise and good nutrition, pockets of excess fat remain. Liposuction is not intended as a means of weight reduction and can not correct conditions like stretch marks or cellulite. The best candidates for the procedure are physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in their expectation.

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Liposuction Consultation

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